

The Interaxo API gives integrators direct access to the data in the Interaxo platform.

Obtaining Access

Contact Interaxo support for any questions related to API access.


The Interaxo API uses OpenID Connect for identity and authorization, i.e. OAuth2 over SSL.

The API enables access to read and manipulate data in Interaxo on behalf of an Interaxo identity. All communication through the Interaxo API uses the identity of the user:


Consumers of the API must first register an application with Interaxo, and will then be given OAuth client_id and client_secret tokens for integrating with the API on behalf of Interaxo users. Web-based integrations must also provide valid redirect_uris for recieving tokens from the Identity solution.

The integrator can then initiate a login flow process, as described below. This process will grant your application access to communicate with the API on behalf of an Interaxo identity.

Contact Interaxo support to register an application.


To authenticate and obtain an access_token for communication with the Interaxo API, you can use the client credentials flow. This method uses your client_id and client_secret to request an access_token directly.

The relevant OpenID Connect endpoints are listed here:

curl -d audience= \
     -d grant_type=client_credentials \
     -d client_id=$CLIENT_ID \
     -d client_secret=$CLIENT_SECRET \


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "access_token" : "my-access-token",

Oauth Login parameters

Parameter Example Description
client_id example-corp-integration ID of registered integration application
scope offline_access Oauth scopes the integration requests access to.
redirect_uri The integration point callback url.

Oauth Scopes

The following scopes are supported by the Interaxo API:

Scope Default Description
offline_access no Allows integration point to store refresh token after user is logged out. Offline tokens expires after 30 days inactivity, while regular refresh_tokens expire after 30 minutes.

Authorizing Requests


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

All authorized requests to the API must include an HTTP Authorization header with a valid access_token, i.e:

Authorization: Bearer {access_token}

Query Parameters

All GET operations on collection based resources support a common set of query parameters for paging, filtering and sorting:

Parameter Required Type Example Description
limit No number ?limit=1000 Limit to n items
skip No number ?skip=1000 Skips n first items
sort No string ?sort=-name Sorts by field name.
- indicates descendant sort

Error handling

A JSON error object is returned by all errors produced by the API. This error contains an error code and a unique trace ID that can be used in trouble shooting the problem.

The Error object


Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "trace_id" : "AJI0WC",
  "code" : "file_streaming_error",
  "message" : "Can not stream file"

All API errors contain a JSON response message with the following properties:

Key Type Description
trace_id string A unique code for tracing an error.
code number See API Error Codes
message string Error description
errors array Array of validation errors

Integrators should include the trace_id value in any relevant support request.

API Error Codes

The Interaxo API uses the following error codes:

Error Code HTTP Status Description
validation_error 400 Invalid data sent
unauthorized 401 Invalid OAuth token
forbidden 403 Incufficient rights to the resource/operation requested
not_found 404 The resource could not be found
invalid_node_type 422 Item is not valid for the content resource/operation requested
unexpected_error 500 Internal Server Error
file_streaming_error 500 File streaming I/O error
network_communication_error 503 Service unavailable

Validation errors


HTTP/1.1 400 validation_error
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "trace_id" : "AWCQN5",
  "code" : "validation_error",
  "message" : "Validation failed",
  "errors" : [
      "message" : "Limit field must be positive number",
      "code" : "list.invalid_limit_field"
      "message" : "Invalid sort parameter",
      "code" : "list.invalid_sort_field"

Errors of type validation_error may also contain a set of specific error messages relating to fields in the request.

Key Type Description
code string Code of validation error
message string Contains the description of a validation error

Communities and Rooms

A community in Interaxo maps to a single customer area. Within a community a customer may have a number of rooms, which are logical containers typically used for projects or organisational units. Users of Interaxo may have access to more than one community.

To use the curl examples below, define variables that match your account. You can then paste these working examples in your terminal.

# Oauth2 access_token
# Interaxo community name
# A room within the community
# ID of a content item

The Community object


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "id" : "example-corp",
    "name" : "Example Corp - Sample Project"
    "id" : "other-corp",
    "name" : "Other Corp - Sample Project"

The community object contain the following properties:

Key Type Description
id string Community identifier
name string Community name

List all communities


curl "" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "id" : "example-corp",
    "name" : "Example Corp - Sample Project"
  { ... },


Query Parameters

Supports common collection-based query parameters for paging and sorting.


Returns list of community objects.

The Workspace object


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "id" : "my-workspace",
    "name" : "My Workspace"
    "id" : "another-workspace",
    "name" : "Another workspace"

The workspace object contain the following properties:

Key Type Description
id string Workspace identifier
name string Workspace name

List all workspaces


curl "$COMMUNITY/workspaces" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "id" : "my-workspace",
    "name" : "My Workspace"
  { ... },


Query Parameters

Supports common collection-based query parameters for paging and sorting.


Returns list of workspace objects.

The Room object


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "id": "my-room",
    "name": "My room",
    "description": "My description",
    "content": {
      "root_id": "a2afd701-ade2-4f94-94f9-1d5dbab69622"
    "workspace": {
      "id": "my-workspace",
      "name": "My workspace"
    "metadata": {
      "my_key": {
        "label": "My label",
        "value": "Some value"
      "another_key": {
        "label": "Another label",
        "value": "Another value"
    "id": "another-room",
    "name": "Another room",
    "description": "Another description",
    "content": {
      "root_id": "c16748af-ff22-40c3-beea-91862d1b6921"
    "workspace": {
      "id": "another-workspace",
      "name": "Another workspace"
    "metadata": {
      "my_key": {
        "label": "My label",
        "value": "Some value"

The room object contain the following properties:

Key Type Description
id string ID of a room
name string Display name
description string Additional description
content object Root content item
workspace object Workspace relation
metadata map Room metadata

The room.content object contain the following properties:

Key Type Description
root_id string ID of a root content folder

The room.workspace object contain the following properties:

Key Type Description
id string ID of a workspace
name string Display name of a workspace

The room.metadata object contain the following properties:

Key Type Description
label string metadata label for the provided key
value string metadata value for the provided key

Retrieve a room


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "id": "my-room",
  "name": "My room",
  "description": "My description",
  "content": {
    "root_id": "a2afd701-ade2-4f94-94f9-1d5dbab69622"
  "workspace": {
    "id": "my-workspace",
    "name": "My workspace"
  "metadata": {
    "my_key": {
      "label": "My label",
      "value": "Some value"
    "another_key": {
      "label": "Another label",
      "value": "Another value"


The room resource supports GET for retrieving a room within a community.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
community_id string my-community Community identifier
room_id string my-room Room identifier


Returns a room object.

List all rooms


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "id": "my-room",
    "name": "My room",
    "description": "My description",
    "content": {
      "root_id": "a2afd701-ade2-4f94-94f9-1d5dbab69622"
    "workspace": {
      "id": "my-workspace",
      "name": "My workspace"
    "metadata": {
      "my_key": {
        "label": "My label",
        "value": "Some value"
      "another_key": {
        "label": "Another label",
        "value": "Another value"
  { ... }


URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
community_id string my-community Community identifier

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Example Description
workspace no string my-workspace Filter by workspace id
key=value no string project_ref=My Value Filter by room metadata

Supports common collection-based query parameters for paging and sorting.


Returns list of room objects.

Locking Rooms


  "lock": false

curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request PATCH \
  --data $JSON_BODY \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "id": "my-room",
  "lock": "false"
  // additional properties


To (un)lock a Room, issue a PATCH request specifying the identifier of the room and modifying the lock property for the room.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
community_id string my-community Community identifier
room_id string my-room Room identifier


Returns a room object.

Users and Groups

An authority in Interaxo is either a user or a group.

The User object

Response fragment:

    "id" : "",
    "type": "user"

The user object has the following properties:

Key Type Description
id string User id
type string Constant user

Take note that while the id property is typically an email address, it is not bound to the user profile email address. Integrators should not assume that the id is in the format of an email address.

The Group object

Response fragment:

    "id" : "ed11b8a55",
    "type": "group",
    "name": "All Participants"

The group object has the following properties:

Key Type Description
id string Group identifier, max 100 characters.
type string Constant group
name string Name of Group

Groups ids are unique within a community.

The Person object

Response fragment:

    "id" : "",
    "email": "",
    "name": "Example User",
    "locale": "nb-NO"

The person object has the following properties:

Key Type Description
id string The ID of the user/person.
name string Name
email string The email address associated with this profile.
locale string The locale associated with this profile.

Retrieve a profile


curl "$COMMUNITY/people/$PERSON_ID" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "id": "",
  "email": "",
  "name": "Example User",
  "locale": "nb-NO"


The profile resource supports GET for retrieving the profile for a person.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
community_id string my-community Community identifier
person_id string User id.
-me- can be used to specify the currently authenticated user


Returns a person object.

Retrieve groups for a person


curl "$COMMUNITY/people/$PERSON_ID/groups" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "id": "ae11b8a55",
    "type": "group",
    "name": "All Participants"


The groups resource supports GET for retrieving groups where person is a member.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
community_id string my-community Community identifier
person_id string User id.
-me- can be used to specify the currently authenticated user


Returns list of group objects.

Room Content

Interaxo exposes a content tree under each room. This tree can be navigated and manipulated through resources that operate on single items and item children at each level.

The root_id of the content tree is exposed through the Room resource.

Content objects

Content items in Interaxo can be grouped into 4 categories: Folders, Entries, Files and Links. The table below outlines the available items as well as the type of children items allowed under each of these.

Name type value Category Allowed Children
Simple Folder simple-folder Folder Folder, File, Link
Active Folder active-folder Folder Entry
Active Folder with Workflow workflow-folder Folder Entry
Entry entry Entry File
File file File
Link (internal) internal-link Link
Link (external) external-link Link


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "simple-folder",
  "id" : "8be54905-6c9d-430d-9e3f-b40006fdba3f",
  "parent_id" : "ec4e334d-74e8-4ea4-8f28-4da942a3b80c",
  "name" : "Simple Folder",
  "path" : "/Collaborate/All Types/Simple Folder",
  "created" : "2017-01-12T10:24:41.739Z",
  "last_modified" : "2017-01-12T11:06:44.101Z",
  "created_by" : {
    "id" : ""
  "last_modified_by" : {
    "id" : ""
  "owner" : {
    "id" : ""
  "lock_info" : {
    "owner": {
      "id": ""
    "timestamp": "2017-01-12T11:06:44.101Z"
  "child_count": 0

All Content items all have a set of common properties:

Key Type Description
type string Type of item
id string UUID
parent_id string UUID of parent
name string Display name
path string Path relative to room, like /My Folder/My File.jpg
created string ISO 8601 formatted creation datetime
last_modified string ISO 8601 formatted last modified datetime
created_by object User that created the item
last_modified_by object User that last modified the item
owner object User or Group that owns the item
lock_info object Optional Lock information if the item is locked.

The Lock Info object

The Lock Info object contain the following properties:

Key Type Description
owner object User who owns the lock
timestamp string ISO 8601 formatted datetime when the item was locked

Retrieve a content item


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "simple-folder",
  "id" : "8be54905-6c9d-430d-9e3f-b40006fdba3f",
  "parent_id" : "ec4e334d-74e8-4ea4-8f28-4da942a3b80c",
  "name" : "Simple Folder",
  "path" : "/Collaborate/All Types/Simple Folder",
  "created" : "2017-01-12T10:24:41.739Z",
  "last_modified" : "2017-01-12T11:06:44.101Z",
  "created_by" : {
    "id" : ""
  "last_modified_by" : {
    "id" : ""
  "owner" : {
    "id" : ""
  "child_count" : 0

GET (room context)/content/{id}

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of the item


Returns a single item of any of the item types available for the relevant parent resource.

Create and update content items

In the current version of the API, only Entries can be created and updated.

Creating and updating other content items is not supported in the current version of the API. Contact Support if this is important to you.

Delete a content item


curl -X DELETE "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

DELETE (room context)/content/{id}

All content items supports deletion through issuing a DELETE request to the relevant resource.

List Children


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/children?sort=id&limit=2" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "type" : "simple-folder",
    "id" : "8be54905-6c9d-430d-9e3f-b40006fdba3f",
    "parent_id" : "ec4e334d-74e8-4ea4-8f28-4da942a3b80c",
    "name" : "Simple Folder",
    "path" : "/Collaborate/All Types/Simple Folder",
    "created" : "2017-01-12T10:24:41.739Z",
    "last_modified" : "2017-01-12T11:06:44.101Z",
    "created_by" : {
      "id" : ""
    "last_modified_by" : {
      "id" : ""
    "owner" : {
      "id" : ""
    "child_count" : 0
    "type" : "file",
    "id" : "c2afd701-ade2-4f94-94f9-1d5dbab69622",
    "parent_id" : "ec4e334d-74e8-4ea4-8f28-4da942a3b80c",
    "name" : "File.txt",
    "path" : "/Collaborate/All Types/File.txt",
    "created" : "2017-01-12T10:31:24.459Z",
    "last_modified" : "2017-01-12T10:31:24.459Z",
    "created_by" : {
      "id" : ""
    "last_modified_by" : {
      "id" : ""
    "owner" : {
      "id" : ""
    "version" : "1.0",
    "mime_type" : "text/plain",
    "file_size" : 7

GET (room context)/content/{id}/children

Lists children for a content item.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of a container item

Query Parameters

Supports common collection-based query parameters for paging and sorting.


Returns a list containing any of the content objects available for the relevant parent resource..

Search enables you to search for Content Objects in the context of a Room

You can use Content Object Search to search for any Simple Folder, Active Folder, Active Folder with Workflow, File or Entry

Note: For purposes of readability, all examples shown do not show any URL encoding of the request.


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/search?type=file&name=File.jpg" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
[ {
  "type" : "file",
  "created" : "2017-01-12T10:17:28.438Z",
  "created_by" : {
    "type" : "user",
    "id" : ""
  "file_size" : 233009,
  "id" : "09f1997e-eeac-4e3d-a2cb-ae2f80e33d93",
  "last_modified" : "2017-01-12T10:17:28.438Z",
  "last_modified_by" : {
    "type" : "user",
    "id" : ""
  "mime_type" : "image/jpeg",
  "name" : "File.jpg",
  "owner" : {
    "type" : "user",
    "id" : ""
  "parent_id" : "18b110e2-a103-4ab8-aec8-1db9ef8de3c1",
  "path" : "/Collaborate/READ ONLY Files/File.jpg",
  "version" : "1.0"
} ]

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
room string public-api id of the room to search in.
id string 04193719-a0... id of the folder to search in. Search will be scoped to this folder and subfolders.

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Example Allowed values Description
type yes string file file, folder, active-folder, workflow-folder, entry Name of content item to search for
folder_id no string fcc8aaf3-19... Any folder ID in the room Scopes the search to any number of folders
field=value yes string name=file.txt Any Search criteria
'skip' no 'numeric' '5' Any positive anumber Skips results in set
'limit' no 'numeric' '5' Any positive anumber Limits amount of results returned
'sort' no 'string' 'name' Name of property to sort on Sorts search results by value of property

Search criterias

Searching for a certain field and value has the format of {field_name=value}.

The following properties are currently supported

Property Description
name Name of item
created Date / DateTime in yyyy-mm-dd / yyyy-mm-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ format
version Version label of file
content Content of file
instruction Folder instruction

Example - Search for files named file.txt


Search criterias (Entries)

When searching for Entries, an extended set of properties can be searched which is defined by the field configuration of the Active Folder.

Searching for entries requires the search root (id) to be in the context of an Active Folder, Active Folder with Workflow or Step.

Range queries

Range queries have the format field_name_from=value / field_name_to=value

These queries are supported for Numeric and Date fields.

Example - Search for entries with a numeric value between 10 and 20 for the field "A Numeric Field":

A Numeric Field_from=10&A Numeric Field_to=20

Multiple values (OR)

It is possible to search for multiple values for the same field by repeating the field query

Example - Search for entries where "My Text Field" has the value "Hello" or "Another Hello":

My Text Field=Hello&My text Field=Another Hello

Scoping search to certain folders

It is possible to define which folder(s) should be searched by specifying the id of the folders

Example - Search file in two folder locations:


Combined queries

Queries can be combined to form more complex queries

Example - Search for files or folders named A Test OR B Test which were created on 5. Feb 2016 in two different locations

type=file&type=folder&name=A Test&name=B Test&created=2016-02-05&folder_id=18b110e2-a103-4ab8-aec8&folder_id=0de41104-8be4-47c2-958c

Partial matching

Partial matching is supported for Text fields by using the * operator.

Example: olde will match 'My Folder'


Depending on which type is searched for, returns a list of content objects.

Important note

These results are 'eventually consistent' which implies that changes made to the file name is not immediately reflected in the list of results.


The File object


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "file",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "mime_type" : "text/plain",
  "file_size" : 7,

A file in Interaxo has both meta data and content, and exists both in form of attachments to entries and child items of simple folders.

Content items with type file has the following additional properties:

Key Type Description
version string File versions like 1.0
mime_type string Type of file like image/png
file_size number Size of file in bytes
content_url string File content public URL

Create a file


curl -v --form file=@abc.txt \
  "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/children" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "file",
  "id" : "3ab40c92-825f-4963-aab0-32552d4696b6",
  "parent_id" : "ed507f9c-8e33-4616-85be-22038cd3a3a8",
  "name" : "abc.txt",
  "path" : "/Collaborate/Upload/Simple Folder/abc.txt",
  "content_url" : "",
  "created" : "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
  "last_modified" : "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
  "created_by" : {
    "id" : ""
  "last_modified_by" : {
    "id" : ""
  "owner" : {
    "id" : ""
  "version" : "1.0",
  "mime_type" : "text/plain",
  "file_size" : 18

POST (room context)/content/{id}/children

Container items of type simple-folder or entry supports upload of files.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of a simple folder or an entry

Request Body

Key Required Type Description
file Yes File Multipart file


Returns a file object.

Retrieve a file

To retrieve a file, issue a GET request to the content item. This endpoint will retrieve file meta-data only, not the file content.

Search for a file in folder by file name


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/files?name=My File" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"             


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "file",
  "id" : "3ab40c92-825f-4963-aab0-32552d4696b6",
  "parent_id" : "ed507f9c-8e33-4616-85be-22038cd3a3a8",
  "name" : "My File.txt",
  "path" : "/Collaborate/Upload/Simple Folder/My File.txt",
  "content_url" : "",
  "created" : "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
  "last_modified" : "2017-03-16T22:48:41.912Z",
  "created_by" : {
    "id" : ""
  "last_modified_by" : {
    "id" : ""
  "owner" : {
    "id" : ""
  "version" : "2.0",
  "mime_type" : "text/plain",
  "file_size" : 18

GET (room context)/content/(id)/files?name=

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of search root. Search will be scoped to this folder.

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Example Description
name yes string ?name=My File Name of content item to search for


Returns a list of files matching the name.

Important note

These results are 'eventually consistent' which implies that changes made to the file name is not immediately reflected in the list of results.

Search for a file in a folder by folder name


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/files?name=My Folder" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"             


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "file",
  "id" : "3ab40c92-825f-4963-aab0-32552d4696b6",
  "parent_id" : "ed507f9c-8e33-4616-85be-22038cd3a3a8",
  "name" : "abc.txt",
  "path" : "/Collaborate/Upload/My Folder/abc.txt",
  "content_url" : "",
  "created" : "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
  "last_modified" : "2017-03-16T22:48:41.912Z",
  "created_by" : {
    "id" : ""
  "last_modified_by" : {
    "id" : ""
  "owner" : {
    "id" : ""
  "version" : "2.0",
  "mime_type" : "text/plain",
  "file_size" : 18

GET (room context)/content/(id)/files?name=

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of search root. Search will be scoped to this folder.

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Example Description
name yes string ?name=My Folder Name of folder item to search for


Returns a list of files located within a folder matching the name.

Important note

These results are 'eventually consistent' which implies that changes made to the folder name is not immediately reflected in the list of results.

Update a file


curl -X POST -v --form file=@abc.txt \
  "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/files/$ID/versions" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "file",
  "id" : "3ab40c92-825f-4963-aab0-32552d4696b6",
  "parent_id" : "ed507f9c-8e33-4616-85be-22038cd3a3a8",
  "name" : "abc.txt",
  "path" : "/Collaborate/Upload/Simple Folder/abc.txt",
  "content_url" : "",
  "created" : "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
  "last_modified" : "2017-03-16T22:48:41.912Z",
  "created_by" : {
    "id" : ""
  "last_modified_by" : {
    "id" : ""
  "owner" : {
    "id" : ""
  "version" : "2.0",
  "mime_type" : "text/plain",
  "file_size" : 18

POST (room context)/files/{id}/versions

The versions-endpoint allows uploading new versions of files.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of item

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Example Description
major No boolean ?major=true true - major version, false - minor. Major by default.

Request Body

Key Required Type Description
file Yes File Multipart file


Returns the updated file.

Delete a file

To delete a file, issue a DELETE request to the content item.

Download a file


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/files/$ID/content" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

GET (room context)/files/{id}/content

This endpoint allows you to download a single file by file ID.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of a file

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Example Description
version No string ?version=2.0 or ?v=2.0 Version of file.
No version means latest


Returns the file content with the following headers:

Header Type Description
Content-Type string Type of a file like image/jpeg;charset=UTF-8

Download file thumbnail


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/files/$ID/thumbnail" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

GET (room context)/files/{id}/thumbnail

This endpoint allows you to download a image/png thumbnail of the file with a maximum size of 100x? or ?x100. If the file is an image with original dimensions smaller than 100x100 the thumbnail will contain the original size of the image.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of a file


Returns file thumnail with the following headers:

Header Type Description
Content-Type string Always image/png;charset=UTF-8.

Download file preview


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/files/$ID/preview" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"

GET (room context)/files/{id}/preview

This endpoint allows you to download a image/png preview of the file with a maximum size of 960x? or ?x960. If the file is an image with original dimensions smaller than 960x960 the preview will contain the original size of the image.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of a file


Returns file binary content with the following headers:

Header Type Description
Content-Type string Always image/png;charset=UTF-8.

Link items in Interaxo are references to internal content or external URLs.

Two types of links are supported:

Name Type Description
Internal link internal-link References other content items in Interaxo
External link external-link References external content by URL


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "internal-link",
  "target" : "_blank",
  "destination" : "c2afd701-ade2-4f94-94f9-1d5dbab69622",

Links with type internal-link has the following additional properties:

Key Type Description
target string Browser link target (_blank or _self).
destination string UUID of destination item.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "external-link",
  "target" : "_blank",
  "url" : "",

Links with type external-link has the following additional properties:

Key Type Description
target string Browser link target (_blank or _self).
url string External url link like

Creating links is not supported in the current version of the API. Contact Support if this is important to you.

To retrieve a link, issue a GET request to the content item.

Updating links is not supported in the current version of the API. Contact Support if this is important to you.

To delete a link, issue a DELETE request to the content item.

Simple Folders

Simple folders are like regular folders in Windows explorer or other file systems. They may contain children that are files, folders, or other content items.

The Simple Folder object


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "simple-folder",
  "child_count" : 0,

Folders of type simple-folder are containers that may contain child items like files, simple folder, etc.

Folders of type simple-folder has the following additional properties:

Key Type Description
child_count number Count of immediate children.

Create a simple folder

Creating folders is not supported in the current version of the API. Contact Support if this is important to you.

Retreive a simple folder

To retrieve an simple folder, issue a GET request to the content item.

Update a simple folder

Updating folders is not supported in the current version of the API. Contact Support if this is important to you.

Delete a simple folder

To delete a simple folder, issue a DELETE request to the content item.

List children

To list children of a simple folder, issue a GET request to the content item. Children of simple folders can be of type folder (simple folder, active folder, worfklow folder), file or link.

Active Folders

Active folders in Interaxo are folders where you can store rich customizable meta-data in child items called entries. Entries may contain a number of meta-data fields of various types, and users can group, sort and filter the folder based on these fields.

These are the field types currently supported in the API:

Name Key Description
Plain text string Simple string, max 255 characters
Number numeric Numeric value with 2 decimal places
Date date ISO 8601 formatted date
List list Single/multiple selection list
Rich text rich-text Longer text with rich formatting
Member member Single/multiple selection list of interaxo users
Autonumber auto-number Autoincrementing number

The Active Folder object


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "active-folder",
  "child_count" : 1,
  "fields": [ ... ],
  "features": [ ... ],

Active folders have the type property set to active-folder, and have the following additional properties:

Key Type Description
child_count number Count of immediate children
fields array Definition of Fields
features array Names of features enabled for folder (i.e. 'main-document' or 'revisioning')

Field Definitions

Response fragment:

  "fields": [{
    "id": "DXSGIQ",
    "name": "My string field",
    "type": "string",
    "description": "Description",
    "initial_value": "Bla",
    "mandatory": true,
    "entry_title": true,
    "unique": false,
    "revision_field": true
  }, {
    "id": "D2SROA",
    "name": "My number field",
    "type": "numeric",
    "description": "aaa",
    "initial_value": 1200
  }, {
    "id": "M3GDCK",
    "name": "My date field",
    "type": "date",
    "description": "Initial values is WHEN_CREATED or BLANK. It is required",
    "initial_value": "WHEN_CREATED",
    "mandatory": true,
    "revision_field": true
  }, {
    "id": "ZHQQPR",
    "name": "My list field",
    "type": "list",
    "initial_value": "123",
    "options": [
    "multiple": true,
    "mandatory": true,
    "read_only": true,
    "revision_field": true
  }, {
    "id": "B9RYOA",
    "name": "My rich text field",
    "type": "rich_text",
    "revision_field": true

All the field definitions have the following common properties:

Key Type Description
type string There are 6 types listed below the table
id string Id of field like DXSGIQ
name string Display name
mandatory boolean Indicates if the field is mandatory
read_only boolean Indicates if the field value can be modified after creation
description string Additional description

Defining plain text fields

Field definitions with type string have the following additional properties:

Key Type Description
initial_value string Initial field value like My entry field value
entry_title boolean Indicates if the field is an entry title
unique boolean Indicates if the entry title value should be unique within a folder
revision_field boolean Indicates if the field configured to be used in revision process

Defining number fields

Field definitions with type numeric have the following additional properties:

Key Type Description
initial_value number Initial field value like 500 (5.00)
entry_title boolean Indicates if the field is an entry title
unique boolean Indicates if the entry title value should be unique within a folder
*Important Note for number field

When sending numeric values, ensure that you send the numbers with two decimal places but without a decimal separator. For example:

Similarly, when receiving numeric values, interpret them as having two decimal places. For instance:

When fetching a numeric field, divide by 100. Similarly, when sending a numeric field, multiply by 100. This ensures consistency in data representation and prevents any misinterpretation of values.

Defining date fields

Field definitions with type date have the following additional properties:

Key Type Description
initial_value string Initial field value like BLANK or WHEN_CREATED
entry_title boolean Indicates if the field is an entry title
unique boolean Indicates if the entry title value should be unique within a folder
revision_field boolean Indicates if the field configured to be used in revision process

Defining list fields

Field definitions with type list have the following additional properties:

Key Type Description
initial_value string Initial field value like 123
options array Allowed list values like ["123", "a b c"]
multiple boolean Indicates if the field can have multiple string values
revision_field boolean Indicates if the field configured to be used in revision process

Defining member fields

Field definitions with type member have the following additional properties:

Key Type Description
initial_value object Initial field value, an authority type.
limited_to array Limit possible values to the following authorities.
multiple boolean Indicates if the field can have multiple values

Defining autonumber fields

Field definitions with type auto-number have no additional properties.

Autonumbers are read-only and managed by Interaxo and should not be included in the request when creating or updating entries.

Defining rich text fields

Field definitions with type rich-text have no additional properties.

Create an active folder

Creating folders is not supported in the current version of the API. Contact Support if this is important to you.

Retrieve an active folder

To retrieve an active folder, issue a GET request to the content item.

Update an active folder

Updating folders is not supported in the current version of the API. Contact Support if this is important to you.

Delete an active folder

To delete an active folder, issue a DELETE request to the content item.

List children (entries)

To list children of an active folder, issue a GET request to the content item. Children of active folders are always entries.

Active Folders with Workflow

An Active Folder with Workflow (also referred to as Workflow Folder througout the API documentation) is an Active Folder where entries are further associated with a step-based workflow. As with Active Folders, these folders may only contain Entries as children. In workflow folders Entries will also contain properties describing the step of the workflow the entries reside in.

The Workflow Folder object


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "workflow-folder",
  "child_count" : 3,
  "steps" : [ ... ],
  "fields": [ ... ],
  "features": [ ... ],

The workflow folder object has the type parameter set to workflow-folder and is identical to the active folder object except for the additional definitions of workflow steps:

Key Type Description
child_count number Count of immediate children
fields array Definition of Fields
steps array Definition of workflow steps
features array Names of features enabled for folder (i.e. 'main-document' or 'revisioning')

Step definition

Response fragment:

    "id" : "6a6d810a-c655-4c7d-8e5f-19f63c0ed9ab",
    "name" : "New",
    "ordinal" : 0,
    "final_step" : false

The step object contain additional information relating to a workflow step, and has the following properties:

Key Type Description
id string UUID
name string Display name like New
ordinal number Sequence number starting at 0. Not in use for publish/historical steps
final_step boolean Indicates if the step is the final step of the workflow
publish boolean Indicates if the step is used for publishing
historical boolean Indicates if the step is used for revision

When referencing steps (e.g. when creating entries), only the id property is required.

Create a workflow folder

Creating folders is not supported in the current version of the API. Contact Support if this is important to you.

Retrieve a workflow folder

To retrieve an active folder with Workflow, issue a GET request to the content item.

Update a workflow folder

Updating folders is not supported in the current version of the API. Contact Support if this is important to you.

Delete a workflow folder

To delete an active folder with Workflow, issue a DELETE request to the content item.

List children (entries)

To retrieve an active folder with Workflow, issue a GET request to the content item. Child resources are all of type Entry.


Entries in Interaxo are customizable meta-data containers and may also contain file attachments as chidren.

The Entry object


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "entry",
  "child_count" : 1,
  "step": {
    "id": "6a6d810a-c655-4c7d-8e5f-19f63c0ed9ab",
    "name": "New"
  "fields": [ ... ]

Content items with type entry has the following additional properties:

Key Type Description
child_count number Count of immediate children
fields array List of field objects
step object Entry step with its UUID and name.
No value for entry in active folder

Response fragment:

  "fields" : [
      "id" : "DXSGIQ",
      "type" : "string",
      "name" : "My string Field",
      "value" : "My entry string field value"
      "id" : "D2SROA",
      "type" : "numeric",
      "name" : "My Numeric Field",
      "value" : 123
      "id" : "M3GDCK",
      "type" : "date",
      "name" : "My Date Field",
      "value" : "2017-07-12"
      "id" : "ZHQQPR",
      "type" : "list",
      "name" : "My List Field",
      "value" : ["123", "456"]
      "id" : "B9RYOA",
      "type" : "rich-text",
      "name" : "My Rich Text Field",
      "value" : "Rich text"
      "id" : "YYXL5Y",
      "type" : "string",
      "name" : "My Second string Field",
      "value" : "My second entry string field value"
      "id" : "YZBDFYD",
      "type" : "member",
      "name" : "My Member field",
      "value" : [
          "id": "",
          "type": "user"
          "id": "1a3nc45d43d",
          "type": "group",
          "name": "All Participants"
      "id" : "YYXL5Y",
      "type" : "auto-number",
      "name" : "My auto-number number Field",
      "value" : "000001"


Each entry in the fields collection matches the corresponding field definition of the active folder, and has the following properties:

Key Type Description
id string id defined in the field definition
type string type defined in the field definition
name string name defined in the field definition
value multiple A primitive, array or object depending on field type.

When creating an entry, only the id, type, and value properties are required. The read-only name property is included in the response.

Create an entry


  "type": "entry",
  "step": {
    "id": "6a6d810a-c655-4c7d-8e5f-19f63c0ed9ab"
  "fields": [
      "id": "DXSGIQ",
      "type": "string",
      "value": "hello world"
      "id": "M3GDCK",
      "type": "date",
      "value": "2017-12-23"
      "id": "D2SROA",
      "type": "numeric",
      "value": 12000
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -d $JSON_BODY \
  "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/children" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "entry",
  "child_count" : 1,
  "fields": [
      "id": "DXSGIQ",
      "type": "string",
      "name": "Title",
      "value:": "hello world"
      "id": "M3GDCK",
      "type": "date",
      "name": "Due date",
      "value:": "2017-12-23"
      "id": "D2SROA",
      "type": "numeric",
      "name": "Amount",
      "value:": 12000

POST (room context)/content/{id}/children

To create an entry, issue a POST request to the content item.

Entries in Workflows are by default created in the initial step of the workflow. If the workflow configuration supports creating entries in other steps, the step parameter can be used to specify which step the entry should be created in.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of an active folder

Request Body

Key Required Type Description
type Yes string constant entry
fields Yes array List of field values
step No object Target workflow step.


Returns a entry object.

Retrieve an entry

To retrieve an entry, issue a GET request to the content item.

Update an entry


  "type": "entry",
  "fields": [
      "id": "DXSGIQ",
      "type": "string"
      "value": "changed title"
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -d $JSON_BODY \
  "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "entry",
  "child_count" : 1,
  "fields": [
      "id": "DXSGIQ",
      "type": "string",
      "name": "Title",
      "value:": "changed title"

PUT (room context)/content/{id}

To update an entry, issue a PUT request to the content item.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of an entry

Request Body

Key Required Type Description
fields Yes array List of field values


Returns a entry object.

Delete an entry

To delete an entry, issue a DELETE request to the content item.

List children (attachments)

To list children of an entry, issue a GET request to the content item. Children of entries are always file attachments.

Move an entry between steps

Entries in Active Folders with Workflow can be moved between steps, constrained by rules defined in the workflow configuration.


## identifier of step in the given workflow
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -d $JSON_BODY \
  "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/steps/$STEP_ID" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

POST (room context)/content/{id}/{step_id}

To move an entry, issue a POST request to the relevant step with the identifier of the entry in the body of the request.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of an active folder
step_id string 04193719-a0... UUID a workflow step

Main Document

Interaxo allows you to designate one of the attachments in an Entry as the Main Document.

Retrieve a Main Document


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/document" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "file",
  "id" : "3ab40c92-825f-4963-aab0-32552d4696b6",
  "parent_id" : "ed507f9c-8e33-4616-85be-22038cd3a3a8",
  "name" : "abc.txt",
  "path" : "/Collaborate/Upload/In Progress/abc.txt",
  "created" : "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
  "last_modified" : "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
  "created_by" : {
    "id" : ""
  "last_modified_by" : {
    "id" : ""
  "owner" : {
    "id" : ""
  "version" : "1.0",
  "mime_type" : "text/plain",
  "file_size" : 18

GET (room context)/content/{id}/document

To retrieve file which have been marked as Main Document of entry, issue a GET request.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of the entry


Returns the file that is marked as the main document for the entry, otherwise a 404 Not Found.

Assign a Main Document


  "id": "6a6d810a-c655-4c7d-8e5f-19f63c0ed9ab"

curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/document" \
  --header "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --request PATCH \
  --data $JSON_BODY \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" 


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

PATCH (room context)/content/{id}/document

To (re)assign a Main Document for an entry, issue a PATCH request specifying the identifier of the File. This must be one of the existing attachments of the entry.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of the entry

Request Body

Key Required Type Example Description
id Yes string 04193719-a0... UUID of the file

Remove a Main Document


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/document" \
  --request DELETE \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8

DELETE (room context)/content/{id}/document

To unassign the Main Document of an entry, issue a DELETE request. The actual attachment will not be deleted, only the association marking this file as the main document.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of the entry


Most content items in Interaxo may contain associated rich-text comments.

Comments may be represented in either raw or html format. Consumers should use html where possible, raw is provided and used as the default for backwards compatibility.


Mentions are represented in html comments using a <span> element with a data-mentiond attribute referring to the User.

Hello <span data-mentionid="">Example user</span>

The Comment object


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "content": "A <strong>comment</strong>",
    "format": "html",
    "created": "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
    "created_by" : {
      "id" : "",
      "name" : "user_name",
      "type" : "user",
    "id": "3ab40c92-825f-4963-aab0-32552d4696b2",
    "modified": "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
    "modified_by" : {
      "id" : "",
      "name" : "user_name",
      "type" : "user",
    "content": "Another <em>comment</em>.",
    "format": "html",
    "created": "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
    "created_by" : {
      "id" : "",
      "name" : "user_name",
      "type" : "user",
    "id": "3ab40c92-825f-4963-aab0-32552d4696b5",
    "modified": "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
    "modified_by" : {
      "id" : "",
      "name" : "user_name",
      "type" : "user",

The comment object contain the following properties:

Key Type Description
id string ID of a comment
format string Comment format, e.g. raw (default) or html
created string ISO 8601 formatted creation datetime
created_by object User that created the comment
content string The rich-text comment content
modified string ISO 8601 formatted creation datetime
modified_by string User that updated the comment

Create a comment


  "content": "A <strong>comment</strong>"
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -d $JSON_BODY \
  "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/comments" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "content": "A <strong>comment</strong>",
    "format": "html",
    "created": "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
    "created_by" : {
      "id" : ""
    "id": "3ab40c92-825f-4963-aab0-32552d4696b2",
    "modified": "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
    "modified_by" : {
      "id" : "",
      "name" : "user_name",
      "type" : "user",

POST (room context)/content/{id}/comments

To create an comment, issue a POST request to the content item.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of an content item

Request Body

Key Required Type Description
content Yes string Content of the comment


Returns a comment object.

Retrieve a comment


## Identifier of relevant comment

curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/comments/$COMMENT_ID" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "content": "A <strong>comment</strong>",
    "format": "html",
    "created": "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
    "created_by" : {
      "id" : ""
    "id": "3ab40c92-825f-4963-aab0-32552d4696b2",
    "modified": "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
    "modified_by" : {
      "id" : "",
      "name" : "user_name",
      "type" : "user",

GET (room context)/content/{id}/comments/{comment_id}

To retrieve a specific comment, issue a GET request to the relevant comment resource.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of the content item
comment_id string 04193719-a0... UUID of the comment

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Example Description
format no string html Comment format, e.g. raw (default) or html


Returns a comment object.

Update a comment


## Identifier of relevant comment

  "content": "An <strong>updated comment</strong>",
  "format": "html"
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -d $JSON_BODY \
  "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/comments/$COMMENT_ID" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "content": "An <strong>updated comment</strong>",
    "format": "html",
    "created": "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
    "created_by" : {
      "id" : ""
    "id": "3ab40c92-825f-4963-aab0-32552d4696b2",
    "modified": "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
    "modified_by" : {
      "id" : "",
      "name" : "user_name",
      "type" : "user",

PUT (room context)/content/{id}/comments/{comment_id}

To update a comment, issue a PUT request to the comment resource.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of the content item
comment_id string 04193719-a0... UUID of the comment

Request Body

Key Required Type Description
content Yes string New content of the comment


Returns a comment object.

Delete a comment


## Identifier of relevant comment

curl -X DELETE "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/comments/$COMMENT_ID" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 204 No Content

DELETE (room context)/content/{id}/comments/{comment_id}

To delete a comment, issue a DELETE request to the comment resource.

List all comments


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/comments?format=html" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
        "content": "A <strong>comment</strong>",
        "format": "html",
        "created": "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
        "created_by" : {
          "id" : "",
          "name" : "user_name",
          "type" : "user",
        "id": "3ab40c92-825f-4963-aab0-32552d4696b2",
        "modified": "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
        "modified_by" : {
          "id" : "",
          "name" : "user_name",
          "type" : "user",
        "content": "Another <em>comment</em>.",
        "format": "html",
        "created": "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
        "created_by" : {
          "id" : "",
          "name" : "user_name",
          "type" : "user",
        "id": "3ab40c92-825f-4963-aab0-32552d4696b5",
        "modified": "2017-03-16T22:19:08.281Z",
        "modified_by" : {
          "id" : "",
          "name" : "user_name",
          "type" : "user",

GET (room context)/content/{id}/comments

To list comments for a content item, issue a GET request to the content resource.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of the content item

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Example Description
format no string html Comment format, e.g. raw (default) or html

Supports common collection-based query parameters for paging and sorting.


Returns list of comment objects.

List all mentionable users and groups


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/content/$ID/comments/mentionable-authorities" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
    "type": "group",
    "id": "ef1ab8a55",
    "name": "All Participants"
    "type": "user",
    "id": "",
    "name": "Example User"
    "type": "user",
    "id": "",
    "name": "Someone Else"

GET (room context)/content/{id}/comments/mentionable-authorities

To list candidate users and/or groups that can be @-mentioned in comments for a content item, issue a GET request to the mentionable-authorities resource, optionally specifying a search query.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... UUID of the item you are commenting on

Query Parameters

Parameter Required Type Example Description
type no string user, group Whether you want to fetch users or groups. Valid Values are user and group. If not specified, both users and groups will be returned.
q no string a, Ted, John, etc Optionally filter the list by names containing the query search string.
limit no integer 50 Use this filter if you want to limit the number of results returned. Default value is 100.


Returns list of authorities.

Room-level Jobs

The Interaxo API allows triggering background jobs in Interaxo, e.g. for exporting content to various formats.

The Room-level job object

  "id" : "6a6d810a-c655-4c7d-8e5f-19f63c0ed9ab",
  "status" : "DONE",

The job object contains the following properties:

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... Job UUID
status string IN PROGRESS Job status

Room-level Job statuses:

Key Description
PENDING job has been started
IN_PROGRESS job in progress
DONE job completed
CANCELLED job was cancelled

Query the status of a Room-level Job


curl "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/jobs/$ID" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "id" : "1a1d810a-c155-4c7d-8e5f-19f13c0ed9ab",
  "status" : "DONE",

GET (room context)/jobs/{id}

Retrieves a Room-level job. Useful to check its status.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... Job UUID

Exporting entries

POST (room context)/jobs/content-exports

Interaxo allows exporting complete active folders, individual steps and selected entries to CSV.

Supported export formats:

Key Description
excel Export to CSV/excel


  "format" : "excel",
  "item_ids" : [
  "fields" : [
      "id" : "DXSGIQ",
      "title" : "Text"

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -d $JSON_BODY \
  "$COMMUNITY/rooms/$ROOM/jobs/content-exports" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "id" : "1a1d810a-c155-4c7d-8e5f-19f13c0ed9ab",
  "status" : "PENDING",

Request Body

Key Required Type Description
format Yes string Export format
fields Yes array List of fields objects
item_ids Yes array List of content ids to export

Export field:

Key Required Type Description
id Yes string Id of field like DXSGIQ
title No array Display name


Returns a Room-level job object.
To retrieve an export file, issue a GET request to download file using the id of the job as the content id. This can only be done when the job has the status DONE


The Interaxo API allows triggering asynchronous jobs in Interaxo.

For legacy room-related jobs, see Room-level Jobs

List of Supported Jobs

Type ID Permission Description
room-archive create:jobs:room-archive Export of complete Rooms

The Job object

  "id" : "6a6d810a-c655-4c7d-8e5f-19f63c0ed9ab",
  "status" : "done",
  "notify_email": "",
  // Additional job-specific properties

The Job object contains the following properties:

Parameter Type Example Description
type string room-archive Type of Job
id string 04193719-a0... Job id
status string in_progress Job status
notify_email string Email address to notify on Job status changes
notify_webhook string Webhook to notify on Job status changes

Job statuses:

Key Description
pending job has been accepted but has not started
in_progress job is in progress
done job has completed successfully
cancelled job was cancelled
failed job has failed.

Query the status of a Job


curl "$COMMUNITY/jobs/$ID" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "id" : "1a1d810a-c155-4c7d-8e5f-19f13c0ed9ab",
  "status" : "done",
  "notify_email": "",
  // Additional job-specific properties

GET (community context)/jobs/{id}

Retrieves a job. Useful to check its status.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... Job id

Cancel a Job


curl -X DELETE "$COMMUNITY/jobs/$ID" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"



DELETE (community context)/jobs/{id}

Aborts a pending job.

URL Parameters

Parameter Type Example Description
id string 04193719-a0... Job id

Room Exports

POST (community context)/jobs

Interaxo allows exporting complete rooms to zip-archives.

Requesting an Export


  "type" : "room-archive",
  "room_id" : "some-room-id",
  "notify_email: ""

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -v -d $JSON_BODY \
  "$COMMUNITY/jobs" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "type" : "room-archive",
  "id" : "1a1d810a-c155-4c7d-8e5f-19f13c0ed9ab",
  "status" : "pending",
  "notify_email": ""

The following parameters are available, in addition to the common Job parameters.

Key Required Type Description
room_id Yes string ID of Room to export

Returns a job object.

Retreiving the export archive


curl "$COMMUNITY/jobs/$ID" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN"


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
  "id" : "1a1d810a-c155-4c7d-8e5f-19f13c0ed9ab",
  "status" : "done",
  "notify_email": "",
  "download_url": ""
  // Additional job-specific properties

When a job has completed successfully, a download_url will be presented in the response for the Job object.


For any queries relating to the Interaxo API please contact the Interaxo support center.

Symetri Collaboration can provide assistance through the whole lifecycle of integrating with Interaxo, including advisory and consulting services.